He might be trying to achieve the opposite, but the Big Brother 16 house is watching Devin rule with a dictatorship.

Hey, the houseguests said it, not me. I just think it.

Wednesday's episode picks up right after the Battle of the Block competition. Hayden and Nicole won and pulled themselves of the block and ousted Amber as HOH. So that leaves Devin as the sole person in power. And it doesn't take long for the power to go to Devin's head.

Devin, or the 'Puppet Master' has he called himself, can now focus on getting Brittany out. And Brittany feels like that's what's going to happen. She's very worried, but she plans to not go out of the house without a fight. But does everyone feel like that? No.

Devin-less members of the Bomb Squad start talking about who should go this week. As Zach explains, the non-Devin fans (Cody, Derrick, Christine and Zach) want Brittany to stay. And they want to get Devin out next week. But wait. It sounds like none of the other alliance members really care much for Devin either.

Even Caleb, who has been is closest bro, is really irritated with how Devin treats Amber and all the other women. So things aren't looking too great for Devin at the moment. So Caleb is already kind of over Devin, so he decides to ask Devin about why he put Brittany up and mentions that more people wants Paola out. So Devin blows a small gasket and tells Caleb he's just lovestruck. And despite the dramatic music Big Brother inserted, Caleb and Devin had the tiniest of a spat and Devin called off the alliance. Caleb is all 'whatever, you'll go home next week.'

It's time to find out who the other members of Team America are! It's Frankie and Derrick! So those two guys meet up with Donny to secretly establish their new alliance.

Zach, Derrick and Amber join Devin, Brittany and Paola to play in the veto ceremony. It's heavily stacked with Bomb Sqaad members, but Devin isn't sure if that's a good idea or not after what happened the night before with Caleb. But no worries, Devin, Caleb decides to be the bigger man and head up to the HOH room and make nice. And even though both guys are reluctant, all is right again. Or is it? No. Caleb slips and says that some of the alliance want Devin out. So Devin decides to call an alliance meeting.

So the Bomb Squad heads up to Devin's room, who is forcing them all up there, but opens by saying 'this is not a dictatorship.' So then he polls the room and everyone is sort of like 'uhhhhh.' Zach decides to tell the truth and says he wants Brittany to stay. And crickets. Devin isn't very happy with that answer. Zach decides to stay behind and explain that he may have said some things about Devin he didn't mean. And even though he explains why he said it, Zach is now considered the weak link in the alliance.

It's veto competition time. And I can't even begin to explain it to you, so I'll just say that in the end Devin won and all of America sighed (I would imagine).

After the veto competition, Zach decides to go to some damage control. But before Zach can say anything, Devin obnoxiously asks him who he is going to vote out and since Zach doesn't answer immediately, Devin tells him he no longer trusts him.

Brittany picks a good time to swoop in and see if she can figure out how to change Devin's mind about wanting her out. She decides to play the fellow parent card and something she said really worked. She went from Devin's #1 target to his #1 crush (you don't see that in the episode, but trust me and the Live Feeds, it's so). So Brittany makes a deal that she won't put up Devin if he saves her. IF. But he's not done destroying people yet, so he tells Brittany that Paola threw the Battle of the Block competition.

Zach, feeling defeated, doesn't handle his next encounter with Devin as well as before. Devin is sort of silently threatening him and Zach says 'if you want to put me on the block, do it.' Devin tells us in the DR that that wasn't even on his mind (again, the Live Feeds tell us otherwise. That was definitely on Devin's mind before Zach even said anything).

And now it's time for the Veto meeting. And keep in mind, Devin has promised both nominees to take them off the block. But you only get one Veto, Dev. Of course no one believes or trusts Devin, anyway. So everyone is ready for anything to happen. Devin decides to use the Power of Veto on Brittany. And he names Zach as the replacement nominee.

And in some of the best editing I've ever seen on Big Brother, the end music starts and Brittany asks to say something first and the record scratch is on point. But that's just a tease. The music resumes and the BB voice tells us to tune in tomorrow for the explosive ceremony. But we do get to see Zach, Paola and Brittany going off in slow motion.

Post By http://bigbrothernetwork.com/big-brother-16-episode-7-recap-devins-dictatorship/

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