Ripley, the Cavalier King Charles spaniel who lives in Vancouver with Stanley Coren, a professor emeritus at the University of British Columbia, cannot grasp the concept of switching between daylight saving time and standard time.

'The dogs get confused,' says Mr. Coren, a psychology expert in sleep deprivation, who until recently had three dogs. 'According to their body clock, they were supposed to be walked and fed an hour ago. They are like, 'Why the hell are you sleeping in?' '

According to their body clock, they were supposed to be walked and fed an hour ago. They are like, 'Why the hell are you sleeping in?'

Humans, too, ask this question. Most of North America set its clock back an hour Sunday at 2 a.m., a ritual that remains almost as controversial as when Germany and Austria-Hungary first changed the clocks 98 years ago, to save energy during the First World War. Saskatchewan, small areas of Quebec and B.C., Arizona and Hawaii refuse to take part; for the rest of us, the change can be deadly at worst, and at best disruptive.

Spare a thought for John Scott, a tower clock horologist based in Hamilton, Ont. On Sunday Mr. Scott climbed five clock towers in Toronto, including scaling the 300 stairs at Old City Hall, stopped each clock for an hour, serviced them, and reactivated them on standard time. He also had to adjust two clocks in Hamilton.

'It's kinda like Santa Claus,' he says. 'I've gotta visit all these places all in one day.'

Changing the time plays havoc with train schedules. VIA's train from Winnipeg, for example, slept an extra hour in Gillam, Mn. on Sunday, to be on time in Churchill Monday.

Springing forward is much more disruptive than falling back.

'In the spring everybody loses one hour of sleep,' notes Mr. Coren of UBC. By poring over data from Transport Canada, he discovered that on the Monday after switching to daylight saving time, 'we found a bump of 7% in terms of traffic accidents. That is huge. The death rate in three days following the switch to DST [from accidents as well as heart attacks] went up 6%. That is quite huge.'

These accidents happen because we are already sleep-deprived. 'Imagine you are tooling down the street at 50 km/h,' says the researcher. 'You have a microsleep, a little 10-second jobbie. You will travel the length of a football field.'

It all seemed so simple back in the day. Benjamin Franklin first floated the idea of changing clocks in summer, when he noticed Parisians sleeping through daybreak. He argued that matching waking hours to available sun would economize on candle wax. The British parliament debated the idea for eight years, beginning in 1908 , but only instituted time changes after Germany beat them to it in 1916. From then on, energy-savings became the rationale for adopting daylight saving time in much of the western world. The concept hardly has universal buy-in; China, India, Japan and Russia, among other countries, do not change their clocks at all.

Closer to home, changing the clocks is fraught with controversy. Indiana instituted daylight saving time in 2006. Matthew Kotchen, an economics professor at Yale, studied the results. He observed, 'the time change increased residential electricity consumption by 1% overall. The consequence for Indiana has been higher electricity bills and more pollution from power plants.'

The reason? The build-up of solar radiation throughout the day means that the evening is hotter than the morning. Moving an hour of sunlight from the early morning to the evening (relative to clock time) increases electricity consumption for cooling. Mr. Kotchen argued in the New York Times that, 'a growing body of evidence reveals that daylight saving time increases rather than decreases energy consumption.'

In the United States, a fierce debate about the benefits of changing the time endures. A petition, 'End Daylight Saving Time,' cites the UBC data. The petition aims to abolish all time-changing madness, and instead have just two permanent time zones in the U.S, two hours apart. Others have suggested that the entire planet move to a single time zone, saying this would eliminate all confusion.

David Prerau, a computer scientist in Boston, has extensively studied all sides of the time-change debate, working as a consultant to the U.S. Congress. In part thanks to his research, the U.S. decided in 2007 that, rather than abolish time-change, they should lengthen the time-change period, to reduce dependence on imported energy. Henceforth, the U.S. instituted daylight saving time in the second week of March, rather than the first Sunday in April, and ended it in the first Sunday in November, rather than the last Sunday in October. Most of Canada quickly followed suit.

Mr. Prerau, author of Seizing the Daylight, found that changing the clocks saves energy, reduces traffic accidents and reduces crime, too. Sure, some people might go inside in the evening and turn on the air conditioning an hour earlier. But with the daylight lasting longer, 'they might be outdoors more, lighting a barbecue or playing tennis.

'People lose an hour of sleep,' he concedes. 'But it's no different than flying from Chicago to New York. People do it all the time.'

Back in Vancouver, Mr. Coren's further research proved that the safety benefits of matching our waking hours to the arc of the sun far outweigh the three days of increased heart attacks and traffic accidents immediately following the 'spring forward.'

'We can show that driving when it is dark is very conducive to accidents,' he says. 'Travel to and from work when it is light reduces accidents by 1% per day, over a long period of time. That is a hell of a lot more of a benefit to having daylight saving time.'

And why did we move the clocks back at 2 a.m.? Our prudish legislators dreamed up that detail. 'The bars would close at that time,' says Mr. Coren. 'They didn't want people to have an extra hour of drinking.' National Post * Email: | Twitter: pkuitenbrouwer

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