Lenika Cruz and David Simsdiscuss the latest episode of The Walking Dead.

Cruz: Tonight's episode 'Slabtown' opened with a sound and face foreign to The Walking Dead 's season thus far-the ticking of a clock and...Beth Greene (Emily Kinney)! While Maggie's younger sister has a reputation for little other than her (lovely, if inappropriately timed) singing, it was a relief to see Beth again for the first time since her bizarre kidnapping back in season four. Much like Rick at the start of the series, she found herself patched up in a quiet, unassuming hospital only to quickly realize the horrors outside her door. Her strange new companions-the slightly robotic leader Officer Dawn Lerner and Portlandia extra/hipster dad Dr. Steven Edwards-told Beth she had been rescued from 'rotters' and must now repay the group's charity by working at the hospital.

With this new setting, the show again offers a variation on a familiar but fascinating theme: Collectives can offer safety, but only from the outside world . With the hospital group come more concrete forms of order, however tenuous-menacing clocks; uniformed police officers; a strict code of fairness; rules about cleanliness; a miniature economy of goods and services; and a post-apocalyptic indentured servitude system. Despite the fact that Beth has never had to carry an entire episode on her own, I found 'Slabtown' immensely engrossing (her new friend Noah helped) and found myself fully allied with Beth and admiring her toughness. David, how did you feel about watching Beth navigate a creepy hospital for 45 minutes?

I really enjoyed 'Slabtown,' particularly as a more low-key respite from the intense battle with Terminus that led off the season. The creeping, banal evil of the hospital community was a nice counter to the immediate horror of the people-eaters, and Beth (who's always been a bit of a blank slate, like you said) was a surprisingly fresh pair of eyes to take it in through. I can't say I missed her, exactly, but she's saddled with less story baggage and served as a nice, sympathetic lead. I like Beth now! I'm really turning the corner on a lot of Walking Dead characters I never really cared for before. I can't wait to see her team up with Carol, the other object of Daryl's affection.

So Beth is in this secure hospital community, and we pretty much immediately realize that something very nasty is afoot. Again, I'm very happy with how smoothly this season is progressing -there's less audience hand-holding, less expectation that we need to build the case against new villains slowly. The hospital survives on a strict system of cost-efficiency, concerning both supplies and the people administering them. If you can offer the community something, then you're valuable. But the weaker or more troublesome you get, the more expendable you are.

It's a subtler take on the same behavior we witnessed at Terminus. There, when humans arrived they were just knocked out and slaughtered to serve as meat. Here, they can survive if they offer some skill, but the same depersonalization applies. Everyone's just being boiled down into commodities, and there's a leader at the top who benefits maybe a little too much. That's Dawn Lerner, played very effectively by Christine Woods, I thought. She projects a steeliness that one might want in a leader, but there's a fragility to her tenuous system of survival that she's obviously trying to cover, from the first time she meets Beth.

I'm with you on Noah, for sure. Along with his great work in Dear White People, Tyler James Williams might be having a bit of a moment. His first scene felt a little too clean, as he voiced all the concerns we might have about the hospital from a first impression. But I was happy to see him get out of there so we can hopefully see him again. Just to throw some speculation around -is he the person emerging from the woods with Daryl last week? I had figured it was Carol, but Carol showed up in the hospital at the end of this episode. Maybe Noah can serve as the link between the two storylines? More Noah, please!

Post By http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2014/11/the-walking-dead/382223/

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