Overnight the Big Brother 16 Houseguests gathered in the HoH room for a good ol' House Meeting follow Zach's reveal to Victoria of the Detonators alliance. Derrick's game was out'd Victoria so he had to take quick steps to put the pieces back together.

Flashback on your Live Feeds to 2:44AM BBT (get your Free Trial to watch) and you'll find Derrick talking to Nicole and Victoria. He's trying to smooth over Zach telling Victoria that he's got a bunch of alliances that don't include her. Derrick says he hasn't been in an alliance with anyone but he has worked with other players since that is the game of Big Brother.

To clear things up (translation: bury the truth), Derrick storms out to find Zach and call him up. Victoria buries her face in her hands crying. Again, like her earlier sobfest with Nicole, I think it's fake, but who knows.

Jump forward to 2:47AM BBT as HGs gather in the bedroom. Derrick is calling out Zach for claiming Nicole took the Detonators story to Victoria, not him (Zach). Zach immediately confesses and says he told Victoria, but said it was Nicole to cover his tail in case it was exposed. 'I lied to you,' says Zach to Derrick. Heh. That didn't take long, but it doesn't end there.

Zach immediately starts yelling at Victoria. He says he has had her back so why is she doing this? Now she's yelling back at him. It's a shoutfest!

Finally Zach has had enough. 'Vote me out next week! I'll throw the HoH!' He starts going around the room pointing and yelling. 'You wanted me out!' He points at HGs in the room listing off his honesty to each. 'I haven't lied to you. I haven't lied to you. ... I haven't told you too much stuff.' Cody is cracking up in the corner.

Derrick has now lost control of the House Meeting he called. Zach and Victoria are yelling full blast at each other. Derrick tries to talk over them to the other HGs saying he asked them up so there was no second hand re-tellings. Derrick is trying to convince his allies of things that don't matter. Odd.

The whole thing is a hilarious mess and just what we always hope to see happen in House Meetings. Little gets resolved but lots of shouting and anger result. You'll want to rewind your Feeds and watch it all play out to enjoy the silliness of the situation. Enjoy!

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Post By http://bigbrothernetwork.com/big-brother-16-overnight-house-meeting-latest-zach-attack/

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