Details Category: BB16 Live Feed Updates Published on Monday, 11 August 2014 17:10 Big Brother 16 Updates 'Christine Asks Cody How Big It Is' 1:30pm BBT, Monday, 8-11-14 #BB16 #BBLF Nicole is still crying underneath the covers in the fire room.Frankie, Cody, Derrick, and Christine are in the kitchen chatting. Derrick lets Cody know every time he sings the feeds switch to fishes and that the feeders must hate him. Frankie goes on to discuss his theories for the rest of the game (they are all stupid so I won't waste my time repeating them). Broke down Adam and Eve are tanning in the backyard. Victoria says she has kept every costume and prop they have given her. Caleb is sure that his town is going to have a signing for him when he gets back (seriously the only person who would be waiting on that line for his autograph is his mother). Caleb goes on to discuss how he used the little piece of ammunition at the right time to get Nicole on the block this morning. Knowing how close Victoria is to Derrick, Caleb mentions how he would never backstab him. Derrick, Frankie, Cody, and Christine are still chatting about nonsense in the kitchen. Cody heads out to the patio and sits next to Donny. He asks Donny what he thinks. Donny says his faith is in the hands of six people but he feels good about who he is sitting next to on the block. Cody tells him it came out that Nicole was going to backdoor Christine, which is why she was put up. Derrick comes out and joins them. Cody is playing with the fishing rod and the conversation switches to fishing.Christine, Victoria, and Frankie are talking about music in the kitchen. Frankie mentions how they haven't heard Cher in the morning yet and Victoria says her parents love Michael Buble. Christine likes him too. They go on to discuss rude comments that people post on social media. The first time Frankie faced homophobia was on social media. Christine says Tim is going to have to filter out the negative comments on her account for her and Victoria says her friend is doing that for her. Nicole joins Donny, Cody, and Derrick in the patio. Christine follows and sits down with them. Cody is still playing with the fishing rod. Christine jokes and asks him what he has caught so far. She asks Cody how big it is. Christine discusses sexual innuendo and Derrick mentions the first time he saw a female sex toy. Donny retrieves the activity trackers for some of the other houseguests.

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