Olivia Wilde in the photoshoot for Glamour magazine

Olivia Wilde feels like her son should 'always' be latched to her breast.

The actress and her fiancé Jason Sudeikis welcomed little Otis on April 20. Now she's been photographed for the latest edition of US Glamour magazine, in one picture breastfeeding her naked baby while she sits in a diner, wearing a glamorous dress and heels.

'Being shot with Otis is so perfect because any portrait of me right now isn't complete without my identity as a mother being a part of that,' she explained in the accompanying interview. 'Breastfeeding is the most natural thing.

'I don't know, now it feels like Otis should always be on my breast. It felt like we were capturing that multifaceted woman we've been discussing - that we know we can be. You can be someone who is at once maternal and professional and sexy and self-possessed. [But] I mean, I certainly don't really look like that when I'm [typically] breastfeeding. And there's usually a diaper involved.'

Olivia and Jason have been dating since 2011 and they announced their engagement in January last year. The Rush star doesn't feel in any hurry to walk down the aisle.

'We're engaged, but no specific plans yet,' she shrugged. 'We just have to find the time to put it together. In many ways, a child is more of a commitment. We are fully committed and really happy as a family. And there's no definition of the 'normal family' anymore. Kids today are growing up with so many different definitions of family.

'I guess what I'm saying is that I don't feel any pressure to do it. But I think it will be really fun.'

It won't be the first time for either of them - Jason married Kay Cannon in 2004, but they separated in 2008 and the divorce was finalised in 2010. In 2003, Olivia, aged 19, married Tao Ruspoli, but they divorced in 2011.

'[I] wouldn't be this person without that first marriage,' she admitted. 'I really grew up with my first husband. Now I'm in a much wiser, more centred place in life.

'I think if we can see people in our lives as chapters, we have a much healthier perspective about the whole thing. It's like it had to happen the way it happened. Jason and I lived two blocks away from each other for years and never met.'

Post By http://www.independent.ie/style/celebrity/celebrity-news/olivia-wilde-my-son-should-always-be-latched-to-my-breast-30485273.html

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