Here are some ways to get creative with a costume in the final 24-hours before Halloween

Last-minute costumes can be great, too ... you just have to get creative

The clock is ticking down the final hours before trick-or-treating begins for kids across the Valley. If you are still in need of a costume, now is the time to get creative.

Four generations of costume experts have some advice for you at s not including all the Easley's Fun Shop , 509 McDowell Road in Phoenix, where they currently have about 15,000 costumes to choose from. That ' accessories and other items.

The store is running extended hours to handle the Halloween rush -- Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. and Fri. Oct. 31 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. -- but the Easleys aren't frazzled yet.

' It ' s actually really fun to get somebody dressed right now, ' said Debbie Easley, president of Easley's Fun Shop. ' Most people are super easy and just want to know ' What do you have? ''

It ' s no surprise that Ninja Turtles and characters from 'Frozen' top the list of Halloween costume requests for kids, but grown-ups have costume requests as well, including pirates, super heroes and zombies as the most popular. COSTUME DEALS: 10 frightfully good Halloween deals

If you still haven ' t decided what costume to wear, but you need one fast, the Frugal Shopper blog from U.S. News and World Report offers several areas where you can quickly look for inspiration, including:

The Easley family reminds all Halloween revelers that a lot can be done with just makeup and accessories.

' Take a normal dress that you can slash up. Get some blood. Powder your face down. You ' re a zombie, ' said Ashley Butler, fourth-generation Easley family member.

Halloween is all about getting creative. What are your suggestions for last-minute costumes? Post your ideas in the comments below or send them to @stacia_naquin.

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