New HP Stream 11 Laptop with Free Office 365 Personal for One Year (Horizon Blue)

HP Stream

This is My Opinion About This Product

After I buy this New HP Stream 11 Laptop with Free Office 365 Personal for One Year (Horizon Blue) (Personal Computers)

Length:: 6:47 Mins
In many ways the HP Stream 11 is a better buy than the more expensive HP Stream 14.

This 11 inch model costs $100 less, yet has the same overall screen resolution as the larger device. The 11 also has a better performing Intel processor, an N2840 Celeron, that does better with core browsing and computing tasks. And if that's not enough, the 11 comes with a one year subscription to Office 365 so that a full version of Office can be installed on the 11. The 14 does not come with the Office subscription.

Like the 14 there are some limitations. The device is limited to 2 gigs of non-expandable RAM and has a very small 32 gig solid state disk that's also not accessible. Although 32 gigabytes is double the storage available on most Chromebooks, Windows and its applications require much more disk space to operate.

Despite its limitations this is a very capable and VERY affordable Windows PC that is designed to go head-to-head with Chromebooks. In fact it has most of the same guts as a Chromebook but runs Windows 8.1 instead.

I am excited about the current state of the low-end market. We are getting great capable PCs at very low prices. For once it's nice to see some real competition at this end of the market.

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