The Fappening has affected Jennifer Lawrence, Victoria Justice and various other popular starlets thanks to an iCloud hack. We can't say for sure whether or not the ambitious hacker reverse engineered passwords from email addresses Honan style or took advantage of a security hole, but one thing is for certain: the nudes are out there. And the anonymous hacker has already made a pretty penny from Bitcoin and PayPal donations from what seems to be just the tip of the iceberg. Which makes one wonder: what is about to fappen? And will the iCloud hacker/Fapture initiater ever be brought to justice?

Possibly not if Bitcoin are involved. The iCloud hacker may not be completely hidden by using BTC, but they are pretty well hidden. According to Bitcoin's official FAQ,

' Bitcoin is not anonymous. Some effort is required to protect your privacy with Bitcoin. All Bitcoin transactions are stored publicly and permanently on the network, which means anyone can see the balance and transactions of any Bitcoin address. However, the identity of the user behind an address remains unknown until information is revealed during a purchase or in other circumstances. This is one reason why Bitcoin addresses should only be used once.'

The Fappening hacker's use of Bitcoin doesn't make them anonymous but it does make them psuedonynmous. We may have the user handle of the leaker that bestowed upon the internet NSFW photos of JLaw (not Jude Law), Brie Larson, Ariana Grande and more, we may never find out who the Fapture leaker actually is.

At this point we imagine if the Fappening / iCloud hacker(s) goes down, they'll do so swinging uploading.

Each of the celebrities affected by The Fappening so far have responded to the NSFW photos and videos in various ways. Some like McKayla Maroney have flat out denied that the photos belong to them despite their face being visible. Others, specifically Jennifer Lawrence's publicist, has threatened legal action against those that share her sexts. But one response leads to an interesting theory:

While Hershberger proves The Fapture targeted the wrong Trisha, it does lead to something intriguing: what exactly is stopping this from fappening on other services? Aren't Google apps, Dropbox, etc. just as susceptible as Apple's iPhone cloud? This is clearly a huge -- and slightly entertaining, we'll admit -- breach of privacy, but apparently Fappening-level leaks are just another Tuesday at places like the NSA. The hacker that ignited The Fappening may never be caught. But if he(/she/they?) is eventually taken in, then what of those who breach privacy on the regular?

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