It's been a full day since the celebrity nude apocalypse blew up the internet. JLaw, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and Kirsten Dunst all copped to the photos being authentic, although Ariana Grande and Victoria Justice have denied them. While creepy, self-styled internet sleuths attempt to line up freckles and eye makeup to determine who's telling the truth, The Fappening, as it's been unofficially termed by Reddit, continues to spiral. And aside from the celebrities themselves, perhaps no group has felt the impact of the hacks more than Reddit's NoFap community.
In 2011, a group of Redditors created the /r/NoFap subreddit, a place for mostly male users to help each other abstain from masturbating. The health benefits were touted as being increased focus, ambition, confidence, and social comfort. It's a community, at its best, for dudes trying to get a handle on porn addiction and its related issues of impulse control. Seems okay, right?
But then everyone's favourite female celebrities had explicit photos plastered all over the web by some vile assholes and the Fapstronauts, as they call themselves, were challenged. Dozens of posts appeared in which Redditors likened the struggle of not jerking off to naked celebrities to storming the beaches of Normandy and watching their fellow soldiers shredded by enemy fire.
Other posters responded, blaming people's relapses on their weak constitution.
But there's also been an influx of new users who, apparently disgusted with themselves for their reaction to the leaked photos, have joined the abstinence crusade.
Further updates from the depths of this gross mess: an anonymous 4chan user has revealed that the leaks aren't the work of a single leaker, but a 'celebrity nude trading ring' which has existed on the deep web for years. The only way to join the ring is by buying in with original photos, i.e. ones you've taken of celebrities yourself or taken from hacked accounts. There were some clues to this dropped earlier, with one of the leakers claiming that they weren't going to drop all the photos at once for free and was hoping to earn money in the form of bitcoin, because he'd spent a lot trading within the ring to get them all. Allegedly that original leaker spurred the other leaks by blowing the lid on their operation.
Take this all with a grain of salt, given that it was volunteered by an anonymous user. It could just be the fiction of an overactive imagination, but it does explain a few things. 4chan itself has been divided in the fallout; while some anons are calling for empathy, others are telling them to 'fuck off, faggot' and posting photos of mutilated bodies to ward off people visiting the messageboard out of curiosity. So y'know, be wary.
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