Betty White is still alive -- and 'dying' her hair, her agent confirms.

She's 92, and has outlived many an actor, but despite a hoax proclaiming her death, Betty White is still alive, her agent confirmed.

To paraphrase Mark Twain's famous quote after learning his obituary had run in the newspaper in 1999, reports of White's death 'were greatly exaggerated.'

It's another example of the power and reach of social media. After the satirical news site Empire News published a story saying that White 'Dyes Peacefully in Her Los Angeles Home,' the news spread like wildfire on such sites as Twitter.

Only the rumors weren't about the star of Golden Girls and The Mary Tyler Moore Show dying her hair, they were about her dying in her sleep.

The social media information exchange continued like wildfire correcting the false impression.

Here's a sample:

'Me and my coworkers freaking out because my mom texted me Betty White died when she died her hair,' tweeted Natasha ♡ ‏@natashalalonde.

Francesca ‏@FrananayShrek, tweeted: 'Just read an article where I thought Betty White died. It's a joke and she dyed (her hair) peacefully at home. I almost had a heart attack.'

'Dad woke me up saying 'Betty white died...her hair.' I sat it in bed grabbing the tissues for my dad before he finished that sentence,' tweeted ‏@usavedmeharold .

Part of the confusion may stem from the fact that Betty White's own Twitter site hasn't had an entry since May 29.

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