It's easy to mess up on Twitter. Probably especially easy when you're 80-year-old Larry King.

On Monday, the former CNN host sent out a note via Twitter to mourn the unexpected death of actor Robin Williams. But King got the name all wrong.

'I keep thinking about Robert Williams. What a sad, sad story...' King tweeted. 'I never really understood why success and depression collide.'

Per the norm, Kings followers called him out. 'Gone senile?!' one person tweeted at King. Piers Morgan, who inherited King's time slot at CNN and then had his own show subsequently canceled, pointed out the error by way of a retweet.

King quickly apologized.

'I dictated a tweet of sadness about the loss of Robin Williams. Sorry for the error in spelling. I obviously know it's Robin, not Robert...' King said.

Getting a little pricklier, he followed up, '...The tweet was quickly corrected, but some in the press think a twitter type-o is news...Looking for anything to criticize on a sad day.'

I dictated a tweet of sadness about the loss of Robin Williams. Sorry for the error in spelling. I obviously know it's Robin, not Robert...

- Larry King (@kingsthings) August 12, 2014

...The tweet was quickly corrected, but some in the press think a twitter type-o is news...Looking for anything to criticize on a sad day.

- Larry King (@kingsthings) August 12, 2014 [Image via Twitter @kingsthings]

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