It posed the most serious threat to Canadian unity since the 1995 referendum, and was arguably the most important provincial election this country has seen since Rene Levesque first won power in Quebec in 1976. And guess what, Canada? It ended well for you - very well indeed.

This is going to be different. Quebec's fixation on its place in Canada has been like an alarm bell going off in the background for 40 years. What happens when it suddenly stops? Do you start to miss it?

Like most Canadians, I can barely remember a time when Quebec politics wasn't about separation in one form or another. Voters who cast their first ballot in 1970, when the Parti Quebecois won seven seats and 23% of the vote, are near retirement age now. In every election since then, Canadians have been faced with either the potential of a separatist government claiming power in the second most populist province, or the reality of a PQ government in the 'National Assembly' working to find a way out of the country. Continue reading...

The country in which we woke up today is different from the one in which we went to sleep just 48 hours ago. For in decisively turning thumbs-down on Pauline Marois, who lost her own seat, Quebecers rejected both the prospect of another referendum on separation, the very shadow of which was enough to push the PQ's campaign into the ditch, and the mean-spirited and xenophobic 'charter of Quebec values.' This establishes, powerfully and in some respects for the first time, that Canada is a pluralistic, socially progressive country, from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Pacific Ocean.

Of course Quebecers will continue to debate identity and language. The Couillard government will advance institutional secularity, in its own moderate way, which it should. But it will be a rash politician indeed who pokes his or her head above the parapet in future to advocate for institutional bigotry, and the manufactured fear of 'the other,' as a means of uniting francophone Quebecers under a separatist banner.

It's difficult to overstate the extent of the catastrophe this has been for the Parti Quebecois. Not only has it lost power after just 18 months, the shortest term of any Quebec government ever, and been reduced to 30 seats, from the 54 it held at dissolution. But it now finds itself without a viable reason for its own existence. Where does a separatist party go, once separatism is off the table? And who has the stature internally to lead it?

The three most viable leadership prospects are deemed to be Pierre Karl Peladeau, Jean-Francois Lisee, and Bernard Drainville. Peladeau, with his raised-fist cris-de-coeur for independence on March 9, cost them all the ball game; Lisee was the strategic mastermind behind the deliberate use of identity politics as a separatist wedge; and Drainville the frontman for the Marois charter itself. Peladeau and Lisee have the capacity to split the PQ in two, along ideological, right-left lines. At the very least the party faces a protracted period of soul-searching and internal foment. How it recovers from this moment, if at all, is unclear.

For Canada, that means the separatist threat is gone - if not for all time, then certainly in our time. Monday the party took barely a quarter of the popular vote, its worst result since 1970. In four years its elderly, baby-boom cohorts will be that much older, Quebec's population will be that much more diverse and cosmopolitan, and time marches on. Young and forty-something Quebecers, like the rest of us, live in a smartphone culture, which is Kryptonite to ethnic nationalism.

Federally the immediate political beneficiary is New Democrat Leader Tom Mulcair, who no longer faces a wolf at the door in the form of divided loyalties among his soft-nationalist Quebec supporters. The diminution of the separatist threat also reduces one of the major obstacles to NDP progress in Atlantic Canada, Ontario and the West, namely the party's Sherbrooke Declaration, espousing 50-per-cent-plus-one as adequate in a referendum to kick off negotiations on separation. That policy now becomes a vestigial limb.

For Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the result is also good news; he dodges the bullet that threatened to expose his government's deep vulnerability in Quebec, where it holds just five seats. He can now work with an avowedly federalist premier who wants to solve problems and foster economic growth, rather than pick fights.

It seems Canadians are indeed devoted to their charter of values, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, meanwhile, is proven right in his bold contention last summer that Quebecers would ultimately reject the jingoism of Marois' charter. Trudeau won plaudits then for his stance, in contrast with Mulcair's more cautious approach (though he came out strongly against the values charter eventually) and Prime Minister Stephen Harper's silence. Trudeau deserved those plaudits. The fact is though, that he has now de facto been deprived of a field, national unity crisis management, in which he and the federal Liberals had a clear competitive advantage. How they address this gap remains to be seen.

But beyond all that, there's this: In the last Ontario election, Tory leader Tim Hudak lost the thread with labour policies that were perceived to be anti-immigrant. In the last Alberta election, Danielle Smith's Wildrose failed partly because of anti-gay remarks by some of her candidates. Now this. It seems Canadians are indeed devoted to their charter of values, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Our tradition of pluralism, 32 years later, is strong and getting stronger. And that is something the entire country - which today, perhaps for the first time since 1976, unequivocally includes Quebec - can celebrate. National Post

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