So-called 'Human Barbie' Valeria Lukyanova, whose hope it is to look like a real-live doll, has spoken out about what she thinks about children. (PHOTO:Facebook/Valeria Yukanova)
Lukyanova, who has gone to extreme measures to ensure that she looks as much like a human Barbie doll as possible, recently spoke to GQ magazine. In that interview the Ukrainian model explained that she has no future plans for kids.
The 28-year-old said, 'It's unacceptable to me. The very idea of children brings out this deep revulsion in me...I'd rather die from torture because the worst thing in the world is to have a family lifestyle.'
She added, 'I'm against feminism...what would you keep the children for? So they can get you a glass of water when you're on your deathbed?
'For example, a Russian marries an Armenian, they have a kid, a cute girl, but she has her dad's nose. She goes and files it down a little, and it's all good. Ethnicities are mixing now, so there's degeneration, and it didn't used to be like that,' she told the publication.
'Remember how many beautiful women there were in the 1950s and 1960s, without any surgery? And now, thanks to degeneration, we have this. I love this Nordic image of myself. I have white skin; I am a Nordic type-perhaps a little Eastern Baltic, but closer to Nordic.'
Lukyanova has sparked widespread debate across the globe for her looks. Many have slammed her for her poor example to young impressionable girls who grow up wanting to look 'perfect,' and believe that an image like a doll is something to aim for.
Lukyanova came to wider prominence around the globe in 2012 after photos of her went viral. She received a lot of criticism at the time, but she chose to insist that her look was natural. However, she later admitted to having had widespread plastic surgery to gain her less-than-natural look. She told GQ: 'Everyone fixes up their face if it's not ideal, you know?'
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