Today in celebrity gossip: Another mystery pregnancy rocks Hollywood, Mel Gibson breaks his legendary silence about Shia LaBeouf, and Justin Bieber has been sentenced to anger management.

For most people the word 'Hollywood' evokes glitz, glamor, fashion, and extremely thoughtful political stances, but for many the word Hollywood is also synonymous with 'unsolved mysteries.' Since its inception, the entertainment industry has been a veritable hot bed (what is a 'hot bed' anyway?) of unsolved mysteries... Who killed the Black Dahlia? Is there truly a Poltergeist curse? Where exactly is Alison Lohman? Well, we can now add one more unsolved mystery to Hollywood's classic mystery pantheon: How did Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes get pregnant? We know they're definitely pregnant, because OK! Magazine says so. We also know that 'She's been ready for motherhood for a while now. . . and to be sharing this experience with Ryan [Gosling] is a dream come true for her!' So those two facts are not even up for debate. What IS still a mystery is how exactly Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes became pregnant in the first place. Also, what even is pregnancy? How does it happen and what happens next? It's a mystery not unlike the still-unanswered question of how Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis became pregnant. Nobody has explained either of these situations to me yet and quite frankly, it's looking like nobody ever will. If you have any theories about how Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes became pregnant, feel free to comment below, but I am not holding my breath. Some mysteries can never be solved. []

You've been waiting for months and months for Mel Gibson to finally, finally weigh in on what's going on with Shia LaBeouf, but now your wait has come to a merciful end! In a surprisingly fascinating 18-minute video interview with IndieWire, Gibson touched upon the subject of the toll that fame takes on an actor's mind. He said this about LaBeouf's current spate of mental problems:

When I see someone like Shia LaBeouf with the bag on his head and stuff, my heart goes out to the poor guy. I think he's suffering in some way . . . I'm sure he's going through some kind of personal, very painful, cathartic thing that he has to exorcise and get out there. He'll probably play it out and come back. Whatever it happens to be. He'll be all right. I actually like the kid. I think he's good. I never met him, but I like him.

The angle of this item here and elsewhere is that Mel Gibson, a disgraced former superstar dealing with a formidable array of personal demons, feels a bit of kinship with Shia LaBeouf. But it's also somewhat riveting in general to listen to Mel Gibson speak freely on a variety of topics after what feels like many years of exile. This is not to suggest he deserves a comeback or even wants one, but it's hard not to be moved when a man struggling with alcoholism admits that his primary means of remaining sane is, 'I wake up in the morning and I ask God not to make me nuts.' I don't know, guys. It's just an interesting interview, is what I'm saying. Watch it maybe!

It's hard to believe any of Justin Bieber's brushes with the law will ever be fully resolved or forgotten, but sometimes baby-steps add up. Remember that whole neighbor-egging vandalism thing? It seems to be just about over and dismissed, contingent upon Bieber agreeing to attend anger management classes for 12 weeks. According to TMZ, Bieber 'pled no contest to misdemeanor vandalism' and in addition to the anger management 'was placed on 2 years probation and ordered to perform 5 days labor.' Plus, there's the matter of the $90,000 in damages he was ordered to fork over. That's a lot of restitution for twelve seconds of idiocy! But other than that, it seems like this is one chapter in the book of Bieber's regrettable teen shenanigans that may finally be closed. []

Before she became a bafflingly successful fashion magnate, Nicole Richie helped invent modern reality television through her work on the early Fox smash The Simple Life. At the time most people credited Paris Hilton's celebutante infamy as that show's primary draw, but in all honestly it was Richie who was the truly entertaining one. Up for anything and demonstrating surprising facility with intentional comic relief, Richie deserved more credit than that much-maligned career path ever afforded her. That's why it's nice whenever she pops up on camera for old times' sake. Her appearance this week on Andy Cohen's cable access show Watch What Happens Live was a very entertaining one. There's video at the link below, but the highlight of her appearance was when a caller asked about the current status of her relationships with former besties Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, respectively:

'I haven't spoken to [Paris] in a while, technically, but . . . My view of a friendship is they're somebody that you don't necessarily have to talk to every day. It's somebody that you can call when you need them and they're just going to be there. . . The short answer is I haven't spoken to her in a while but we are very good friends and I love her and I love her family and have a lot of respect for her.'

'What about Lohan-'

'Haven't spoken to her in a while.'

Hahaha. Perfect. Nicole Richie remains underrated. []

Here's an amusing clip of Joan Rivers' appearance on Letterman this week. Using her recent CNN walk-out as a jumping off point, Letterman asked Rivers if she'd faced any fallout from the incident and she joked that she'd lost a sponsorship with Depends, before making fun of an actual Depends celebrity spokesperson: 'Hi, I'm June Allison, while I'm talking to you I'm taking a dump.' The joke caused Letterman to get up and walk out of the studio, leaving Rivers alone to interview herself: 'So Joan, what else? How's your sex life, you old bitch?' Perfect David Letterman impersonation! Anyway, here's the video:

Guess who's in the kitchen makin' hot jams? Good guess, but no. It's actually Justin Bieber:

It's hard to know exactly what's going on in this Lady Gaga photo, but it involves boxing gloves and a record player in the bathroom (?):

Looks like Steven R. McQueen had a flare-up of some kind. Because flares:

And finally, just a very perfect Colton Haynes selfie:

Thank you.

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