In today's Justin Bieber news, the little troublemaker is - surprise! - hilariously resistant in a just-released video of his deposition from last week.

The deposition was not for his egging or his drunk-driving cases, but for a paparazzi-related battery lawsuit from the summer. And by Bieber's actions, it was clear he did not want to be there. Some highlights:

'I don't have to listen to anything you have to say,' he says in a childlike mumble when told to listen up. Aw, Baby Justin is pouting!

Selena Gomez is off-limits. After he's asked if he knows Gomez, Bieber puts his face in his hand, takes a deep breath, then pops back up: 'Don't ask me about her again.' So dramatic, so funny. He repeats this, oh, six, seven, 50, times, all while wagging his finger.

He doesn't remember if he's been to Australia. Oh, to be rich and famous and Justin Bieber and not remember if you've been to Australia. 'I don't know if I've been to Australia.' He turns to his lawyer. 'I been to Australia?'

Footage of paparazzi does not qualify as film to Justin. When told to look up at a TV screen to watch a film, Bieber is unhappy to see that it's just some documentary-type footage. 'Is this a film?' he asks so many times they have to pause the video. What did he think? They were putting on Wolf of Wall Street?

He winked. Bieber looked at the camera and winked. Classic deposition move.

Falling asleep is one of his avoidance tactics? At one point, the lawyer asks a question Bieber doesn't want to answer so how does he deal with it? He closes his eyes and rests his head against the chair. Classic deposition move #2.

He has a rocky relationship with Usher. 'Usher? That sounds familiar.' Bieber says. You know, Usher is the reason why Bieber became famous but his name only 'sounds familiar.' But later, Bieber's memory seems to be refreshed and when asked if Usher is a confidante, he replies, 'I guess? Yes?' Poor Usher.

He gets 'instrumental' and 'detrimental' confused. 'Isn't it true that Usher was instrumental in starting your career?' the lawyer asks. 'I was found on YouTube, I think that I was detrimental to my own career,' Bieber replies. Yes, yes, you are.

Watch the deposition clip after the jump.

Head over to TMZ to see more clips from the deposition.

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