There's a tricky balancing act AMC's The Walking Dead has to pull off during the second half of Season 4.
The group is separated, scattered after the Governor's raid on the prison, and each episode since then we've followed the pockets of survivors as they search for one another and for safety.
This has given the show's writers an opportunity to focus on character development, giving each group the spotlight-sometimes an entire episode devoted to just a couple of characters, and sometimes, as in tonight's episode 'Alone,' split between two groups as they meander on their way.
The tricky part is balancing the show's action against these more character-driven moments. In reality, this has always been the challenge with The Walking Dead, but in this latter half of Season 4, it's more pronounced due to the tighter focus on smaller groups.
Last week we followed Daryl and Beth, so it was something of a surprise to see another episode featuring these two. Three's A Crowd
Sharing the spotlight this time around were Maggie, Bob, and Sasha, who stumble on a sign for Terminus after doing battle with zombies in the fog.
Right away, all the usual problems with The Walking Dead crop up. First and foremost: Character motivations are puzzling.
Maggie wants to follow the tracks because she believes Glenn would do the same. Effectively, she's giving up her search of the area on the off-chance Glenn is headed to Terminus. But what have we seen so far in this show to convince us that this is what Glenn would actually do? I sort of get the feeling he'd keep combing the area around the prison forever if he had to.
Sasha, on the other hand, thinks it's a bad idea. Just because.
Because it's a long ways. Because she wants to hunker down all of a sudden.
We're given to believe she's afraid of what she'll find at Terminus-or rather, that she won't find Tyreese.
But since we don't really have that much to go on with Sasha, this comes off as strained. Suddenly Sasha, who has always been (on the surface) a pretty tough character and a fighter, is too afraid to keep going because her brother might be dead and staying put will apparently shelter her from that certainty.
So she's willing to strike out on her own and live in an abandoned building in a random town they come across which is way less terrifying than sticking together with her traveling companions and heading toward safety. I have a hard time buying this. I also don't understand why Maggie would ditch Bob and Sasha and strike out on her own. It's the whole martyr thing that this show has peddled before, a symbolic gesture I'd hoped we'd stop seeing from any of the characters at this point.
The note Maggie leaves-something to the effect of not wanting them to die on her behalf-is one of those silly things people wouldn't actually say in this type of situation. After all, no matter where they go, death is shambling all around them. There's safety in numbers, and Maggie of all people should know this.
Which, of course, is the moral of the story in 'Alone.' It's better to have company than to walk these zombie-infested roads alone. It's safer and more tolerable, even if people you care for end up dying.
So this is the moral of the story, but unfortunately it takes some convoluted decisions to get there. Of the three, only Bob's character really acts rationally. He isn't interested in being alone anymore, and isn't going to let Sasha convince him otherwise, regardless of the feelings he has for her.
When Maggie and Sasha reunite before setting out to find Bob, nothing Maggie says to Sasha is really any more compelling than what Bob had said to her. So why does she agree to carry on?
Eventually, the three reunite and we get a rare moment of cheer. But it feels forced and hollow, robbed of any climactic reward thanks to the weird motivations that caused the split in the first place. The Ballad of Beth and Daryl
And to be honest, isn't the whole 'safety in numbers' a theme that's been played out already quite a lot in The Walking Dead? Even in this season?
The separating of Daryl and Beth works better, but not as well as it could have.
They find a nice funeral home well-stocked with food and bunker down for a bit until zombies overrun the place. And this is the very first problem with the scene. They have makeshift alarms around the house but somehow a huge flock of walkers makes the same ruckus as a stray dog, fooling Daryl completely.
Maybe his guard is down because of his growing attraction to Beth. Maybe.
Either way, he opens the door without noticing that there's a bunch of zombies banging on it and snarling and gurgling inches away, and of course they all get inside. So Daryl races down the stairs into a room he knows has no exit to draw them away from Beth, rather than, I don't know, running out the back door.
Then Beth drives off in a car that was parked conveniently outside, leaving Daryl alone.
She's missing in action after that, though whether alone or with the resident of the funeral home we're not privy to.
Daryl runs after her and eventually tires out and collapses, whereupon he's surrounded by the bandits we encountered in Episode 11. A Creativity Deficit
This is where 'Alone' poses a counter-argument to the notion of safety in numbers: Is it better to be brought into a group of psychopathic killers, or to wander the apocalypse alone? Certainly if they'd found Beth instead of Daryl we'd come to a very quick conclusion on that point.
But Daryl can hold his own. He can fit in fine with these new villains. He looks enough the part to fool them. And I suspect his membership in their little posse will eventually lead him to some heroic act or another, when everything comes to a head.
The real question is whether The Walking Dead is pulling off the balancing act in an episode like this or not. Do we have the right ratio of character drama to action? Is the suspense enough to keep viewers on the edge of their seats?
Yes and no.
This was a more action-packed episode than last week, and we had more characters onscreen. But the show is still having difficulty creating a sense of momentum. We have great, tense moments like the zombies coming out of the fog, or the funeral home being overrun, but they're almost ad hoc at this point. There isn't much in the way of rising tension from beginning to middle to end.
Season 4 needs to feel like we're building toward something.
Meanwhile, the action feels a little repetitive at this point. Like we've seen these same fight scenes play out over and over. Even the fog, which was neat, ended up just being yet another zombie smashing scene.
I think back to Season 1, to the scene where Rick and Glenn cover themselves in zombie innards so that they can sneak out into the infested Atlanta streets. Then Glenn lures the zombies away from the rest of the group in a fast car with speakers blasting. That was some great action-gross, tense, and most importantly, creative.
These days, we tend to have the same sequences over and over again. Safe-house turns unsafe, people run and just barely get away, a handful of badass survivors take down a dozen or so zombies...then rinse and repeat.
Which isn't to say I'm not enjoying The Walking Dead. Despite its myriad little flaws, I still think it's some of the most engaging TV to be found right now. Maybe not as entertaining as it could be, but I still look forward to Sunday night each week. I still want to know what happens, keep rooting for everyone to get back together rather than spend so much time alone.
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