Big Brother 16 is looking to achieve a first this season in its twist of the dual Heads of Household as this week's remaining HoH may be about to target the other.

All season long we've watched as the two HoH's worked together in a friendly agreement to keep the other safe no matter what. Even going all the way back to week one where we saw Frankie and Caleb suddenly become best friends even after Frankie was dethroned. It set the standard for moving forward.

Now, as the twist is assumed to be winding down that precedent may finally be broken as one failed plan leads to the birth of a new one.

After Evict-Frankie fell apart, the plan floating around was to get Nicole renom'd and evicted. Frankie and Caleb were going to use the time on their reward trip with Christine to convince her. Big Brother didn't allow them to talk game so that was all put on hold on until they returned.

Flashback on your Feeds to 11:14PM BBT 8/10 (get the Free Trial now to watch it). You'll find Frankie with Christine in the HoH room. He's here on a mission to get Nicole renom'd at Monday's Veto Ceremony.

Frankie explains to Christine how the original plan to get him evicted this week had a backup plan: her eviction. Had Caleb's Battle of the Block plans worked then Christine would have been dethroned and, despite her earlier promise, Nicole said she would renom Christine should Frankie escape the block via the Veto.

Of course things didn't come to that, but enough people knew of the plan to use it against Nicole. Now Christine has been told the story and her deal with Nicole is off. Christine says that if Nicole was planning to do this to her then she can go ahead and do it too.

Jump forward to 11:30PM BBT to find Zach telling Christine about the plan as well. He even adds in how he wanted to go up on the block next to Frankie so he could throw the BotB. Zach might have done a better job at it, but who knows.

A few minutes later Caleb joins them to pile on the retell of the 'Backdoor Christine' plan. It's enough evidence for Christine and she's on board.

Watch at 12:25AM BBT 8/11 to hear Christine inform Derrick that she's going to put Nicole up. She's looking for support of an eviction as Christine doesn't want Nicole to go on the block if she's not definitely going to Jury. Derrick agrees to the plan. He always knew the plan. Sneaky HGs.

Later today the Veto Ceremony will be held and since Zach is both a nominee and the Veto winner you can count on it being used and a vacancy opening up on the block. Something could definitely change, but I'm guessing we'll see this plan go through.

Nicole should be facing off against Donny for votes this week and while Derrick would probably rather see Donny go since Donny seems to be the only one on to him I think it'll be Nicole heading out to meet Julie next.

What do you think of the plan? Is this a good idea for Christine or is she just getting worked over and this is a bad move?

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