Man taken to hospital and several others suffer rashes and blisters after strange reaction

A priest canceled an Ash Wednesday ceremony after parishioners were BURNED by the ashes.

The ashes used on mass goers during a ceremony at St Joseph's Church in Newtownshandrum, Co Cork have now been sent to a lab after people developed rashes and blisters on their foreheads.

And one man was taken to hospital as the ash burned through his skin during Fr Eugene Baker's ceremony.

Fr Baker spoke of his disbelief after the incident.

He said: 'It was while I was placing the ash on the foreheads of parishioners that people began complaining about a burning sensation on their foreheads.

'I was surprised by it as I was dipping my thumb in the ashes but did not have any sort of reaction to it myself.

'Once I was made aware of it, I ceased giving out any more ashes and alerted the parishioners from the altar that they should immediately remove the ashes from their heads.

'It was just an unfortunate incident and I immediately apologised to everybody in the church.

'Thankfully the only people given the ashes were all adults.

'I have been assured a reaction like this can happen - it was not some sort of supernatural event.'

A local parishioner added: 'My wife suffered a minor blister on her head and said she could immediately feel the ashes burning on her skin.'

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