Fans of 'Teen Wolf' went to sleep broken-hearted and not afraid to tweet about it on March 17, when Allison Argent was shockingly killed off from the show!

Despite warnings from creator Jeff Davis and the entire Teen Wolf cast, no one could have foreseen who actually ended up being killed off from the March 17 episode, 'Insatiable.' There is now a Twitter hashtag devoted to the death of our dearly departed Allison - #RIPAllison - showing the world just how depressed fans are about this surprising and heavy loss. Fans Express Grief Over Allison Argent's Death Via Twitter

When Crystal Reed's character, Allison Argent, took a sword through the stomach and died, fans of Teen Wolf everywhere must have pinched themselves to make sure they weren't dreaming. How could Jeff Davis just kill her off like that?

Immediately, Twitter started overflowing with commentary on the shocking tragedy:

Alright, I don't think I can live tweet from now on. Too busy crying. Brb.

- Fluent in Feels (@qhuinn) March 18, 2014

How the hell does Allison die before Gerard? I am so sad. I wasn't expecting her to actually die. - Colethewolf (@Colethewolf) March 18, 2014

@CrystalmReed in three years, nothing has been harder than having to say goodbye to you and allison. i wish you all the best. thank you. - bree. (@breenwolf) March 18, 2014

Even Crystal herself reached out to her fans, knowing they were going through a hard time:

I cant compose a tweet to express my feelings. I Love you all so dearly. #mtvteenwolf

- Crystal Reed (@CrystalmReed) March 18, 2014

It was sweet of Crystal to show her understanding over the loss her fans felt - a loss so strong that the hashtag #RIPAllison took over Twitter for the night:

Can they Punk'd crew come out now? This can't be real. #RIPAllison

- (@emilysvancamp) March 18, 2014

Ill never be able to watch an old tw ep with allison without wanting to cry. Ill miss her so much :( #RipAllison

- Goodbye allison. :( (@janoismydrug) March 18, 2014

#RIPAllison #WeWillMissYouCrystal Allison Argent ; - Daughter - Friend - Warrior - Hero

- SheLooksSoPerfect♡ (@IremZeliha) March 18, 2014 Crystal Reed's Choice To Move On From 'Teen Wolf'

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So with all this anguish following Allison's death, why was she killed off, anyway?

Crystal has explained that it was her decision to leave the show and to take her career in another direction. As a 29-year-old actress, she felt it was time for her to stop playing a high schooler.

Her reasoning does make sense and we respect Crystal's decision to leave Teen Wolf behind, but was killing her off really the best choice that the writers could have made for Allison Argent?

What do you think, HollywoodLifers? Let us know! - India Irving More 'Teen Wolf':

'Teen Wolf' Shouldn't Have Killed Off [SPOILER] 'Teen Wolf' Recap: [SPOILER] Dies From A Sword Through The Stomach 'Teen Wolf' Recap: Derek Hale Seeks Revenge Against The Argents

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