Bedroom photos of singer and former Disney Channel star Demi Lovato and ex-boyfriend Fez From That '70s Show leaked online over the weekend, including one alleged topless shot. The photos with Wilmer Valderrama look likely to be real-and they're not particularly racy-but the only nude shot in the whole bunch sticks out as a possible fake.

The tattoos in the 'leaked cell phone photo' that started making the rounds on Saturday (left) seem to be in the right places, but they're a lot darker and blotchier than Lovato's actual ink (right). Is this an authentically terrible cameraphone photo with authentically terrible lighting, or are these tats just Sharpied-on fakes?



The guy who's been unsuccessfully trying to sell an alleged Demi Lovato sex tape since last August wants you to believe it's the former, and neither Lovato nor Wilmer Valderrama has commented on the photos one way or the other.

Ultimately, it's not going to matter to Lovato. She's survived a nude photo scandal and worse before. On Twitter, Lovato wrote, 'I'm strong. I'm a fighter. So don't underestimate me.'

If you want to see some fairly innocent photos of (someone who is allegedly) Demi Lovato making out with (someone who is allegedly) Fez, as well as some naked breasts that (allegedly) belong to Demi Levato, you can find them here, here, and here.

Post By http://gawker.com/is-that-leaked-demi-lovato-nude-shot-totally-fake-1559928035

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