Behind them, the Beckhams were equally committed. In the fourth set, as Federer launched his astonishing comeback, David could be seen simpering and nodding his approval. Even Victoria looked less sphinx-like than usual, although that may have been a trick of the light.

David and Victoria Beckham, and Samuel L Jackson, were among Federer's celebrity fans

Elsewhere in the crowd, Kate Winslet whooped and yodelled as if she had born in Zurich. Samuel L Jackson, Kate Middleton, Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Bradley Cooper, Sir Cliff Richard.... Everywhere you looked there were celebrities who, unless their body language was lying, were willing Federer to win his eighth Wimbledon crown, breaking the all-time record.

How to explain the size of his celebrity fan base? It is tempting to attribute it to his genius as a tennis player, the coruscating range of his strokes, his athleticism, his grace under pressure, his nerveless match play. In a sport blessed with some extraordinary individuals, he is the most extraordinary of the lot. But there is more to it than that.

Orlando Bloom and Kate Beckinsale showing their approval on Centre Court

Federer is a paid-up fashionista, from his louchely tousled hair to his designer boot-straps. He famously wears trainers marked with the number seven, commemorating his seven Wimbledon titles; and you can bet he had a pair marked 'eight' ready in his bag yesterday, in case he won. It is no accident that one of his most ardent fans is Anna Wintour, editor of American Vogue, who can usually be seen court-side during his matches in New York.

I have been lucky enough to interview Federer, and he told me that one reason he preferred tennis to football was that footballers wore the same strip the whole time, whereas tennis players got to choose a new outfit for every match.

He certainly cuts a romantic figure although, in the case of my own dealings with Federer, the law of unintended consequences has kicked in to hilarious effect. In 2012, I sent out a Christmas card featuring a picture of me with the great man at a party, and mischievously signed it 'Roger and Max'. The joke was lost on one friend, who does not follow tennis and did not recognise Federer.

Last year, when I announced that I was getting married, to my partner Julia, the same friend assumed that I was getting married to a tall, dark man half my age called.... Roger. Red faces all round.

I am not married to Roger Federer, alas, although I make no apologies for having fallen under his spell, like millions of others. He is the 21st-century sportsman par excellence, part athlete, part showman and, just as important, gracious in victory and defeat alike.

Compared with the snarling, snapping primadonnas at the World Cup in Brazil, he is a demi-god who deserves all the adulation he gets.

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