12 years a slave was possibly one of the most popular movies of 2013. It follows the life of Solomon Northup, a black man born free in New York but kidnapped in Washington, D.C., sold into slavery, and kept in bondage for 12 years in Louisiana before the American Civil War.

The movie is the reason why our very own Lupita Nyongo is currently the 'it' girl in Hollywood following her sterling role as Patsey a slave. The movie has been screened in many places and Lupita has dressed the part for all these screenings but the starlet has chosen to bow out of the Italian screening of the Steve McQueen movie at the 18th Annual Capri Hollywood film festival.

This comes after the Italian promoters of the movie appeared to focus upon the film's white cast Rather than the black main star, Chiwetel Ejiofor .Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender were given a prominent feature in the promotional posters while the lead actor Chiwetel Ejiofor is squeezed in a tiny, hardly noticeable picture at the edge of the poster. These posters have sparked sharp criticism with people saying that the posters were 'a unashamed display of racism.'

Miss Lupita however maintains that she did not bail out of the screening. A spokeswoman for Lionsgate, whose sub division Summit is the film's sales agent, said that Lupita bowed out "Due to other commitments that prevented her from going"

Italy's BIM Distribuzione, the company that created the posters quickly issued an apology, stating: "We apologize for creating and releasing unauthorized posters for 12 Years a Slave in Italy featuring Brad Pitt and Michael Fassbender in a manner inconsistent with approved advertising materials. All inappropriate materials have now been withdrawn. We are very proud of the film and regret any distraction this incident may have caused."

source :.cinemablend.com

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