Look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a ... flying skateboard?

If you are a fan of Back to the Future II, then get ready for this one: the HUVr board is here.

Is it, though? I mean, this ad campaign is certainly convincing, but real life hoverboards? It seems too good to be true, which more than likely means, it is.

The video, jam-packed with celebrity endorsers, peaks our interest because there is no way our old pal Doc (Christopher Lloyd) could be lying to us, right??

And if pro skater Tony Hawk himself is vouching for this flying contraption, it simply must be legit.

So wrong. Really, a flying skateboard? [ More Buzz: Gold coin collection found by hikers may have been stolen ]

Don't get me wrong, the ad is phenomenal, but not enough to convince us that this is real.

There have even been reports of fans saying that they can see a harness under Tony Hawk's shirt in the video. With the wide-angle shots used to film the video, it's hard to prove that there are no wires involved.

I mean, if throwing a bunch of celebrities into one campaign ad is all it takes to convince America that this is real, then Houston, we've got a problem. It's the physics of the whole thing.

According to Gizmodo, a 'real' hoverboard was created in 2010, but it only worked if nobody stood on it. How fun.

Then in 2012, Discovery.com discussed the potential of a hoverboard, comparing it with maglev train technology, where the train 'floats' over a track with magnetized coils. If this is the case, the hover board would not be able to hover over ordinary ground, concrete, water, pavement, etc. So the idea of the HUVr board using magnetics is out the window. [ More Buzz: Massive ice pillar collapses with climber on it, he survives ]

Another alternative would be to use the technology in the fashion of a marine or amphibious hovercraft so that it is almost like riding on an air cushion. The 'Airboard', a single-rider hovercraft is actually already on the market and retails at a cool $15 grand. No big deal.

So why the need for this obvious viral marketing scam? Some believe it's a media stunt to promote the possibility of a Back to the Future IV. Some have the idea that there may be a new video game in the works. Or maybe with April Fools Day just around the corner, this is all just one big joke.

As much as we all want this to be real - because let's face it, owning one of these babies would be awesome - it just doesn't seem possible.

Throwing the DeLorean in there was a nice touch, though. Want the latest buzz before it goes viral?Follow @YDailyBuzz on Twitter!

Post By http://ift.tt/1ds6MWZ

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