Details Category: Big Brother Canada 2 Updates Published on Thursday, 03 April 2014 02:05

By Vic2rea

Welcome to Power of Veto night on Big Brother Canada 2. The video recap starts from the beginning of the show and takes us through the last episode when Sabrina and Andrew ended up on the block.

We watch as Jon is elated that Canada made the first big move of the season. Andrew is depressed that Canada dislikes him. Kenny says his mind is blown and he is stressed that the First 5 is in jeopardy. Allison tells us she is devastated that Andrew could be leaving. Arlie brags that he has always been wanting them on the block and he is going to shift sides. Jon and Adel dance around the hot tub. Adel salutes Canada for putting two bullies on the block... we leave him singing Oh Canada.

Kenny and Sarah are in the storage room. Sarah tells us it is clear that Canada doesn't like the alliance. She worries aloud to Arlie and Kenny that one of them might go up as a replacement nomination so they don't what to do about POV. Sarah tells us that Arlie is putting a backup plan in place in case one of them leaves. Arlie tells us he wants to spread his trust among many people. He doesn't want Kenny to have a clue that he is now different from the First 5.

We watch as Andrew wallows in self-pity. Kenny tells us that if Andrew uses POV he might go up. Sabrina tells Andrew that 'we' don't know that Canada doesn't like us. She thinks it is based on something else. She asks if she looks like a b*tch. Sarah is giving sarcastic messages in the Diary Room, but not to Sabrina's face. Andrew talks about feeling rejected and just wants to go home. Sabrina tells us that she and Andrew aren't going anywhere and if they want a show, they'll give us a show...

The living room TV screens come on and Heather announces the meter boards are back. Kenny says these number can only bring bad news and he is preparing himself for the worst. Sarah comes out of the DR dressed as a police officer. She is now the manners police and will be on the lookout for farting, swearing and junk touching. She hands out tickets to Jon for touching his junk, Andrew for nose picking, Arlie for mooning, Sabrina for swearings and warnings everyone for burping. After the tickets were handed out Sarah tells them BB has determined the biggest offenders. Number 1 was Arlie - they show a clip of him mooning and streaking in the house - he is given a tee shirt that says 'I expose myself inappropriately'. Andrew is second and we view a video of his nose picking - he receives a tee shirt that says 'I pick my nose'. Finally, Jon is third and we watch videos of him touching himself then gets his tee shirt that says 'I touch myself in my bathing suit area' She then tells them they have to go to the HOH room and apologize to Canada for their behavior. Their apologies are watched in the living room by all the other house guests. They all have a good laugh with each other. (Good job Big Brother!)

Jon announces it is time to pick players for POV. Jon will be the host for the player picks but he can still be selected to play in the competition. Sabrina picks Jon's name from the bag. Andrew picks Heather. He shows his disappointment. Jon then picks Neda's name from the bag. Heather picks houseguests choice and she pick Adel (saved his POV! Big Brother has chosen Arlie to host the competition. Jon is thrilled that none of those picked will change Canada's picks for nomination. Andrew, Allison and Kenny talking in the living room. They are angy at Heather for not picking Kenny or Allison to play in the POV. Andrew calls her a b*tch to Kenny and Allison. Kenny is dripping with sarcasm about her making a good choice (but if his DR is to be believed, he is probably relieved). He confronts Heather in the bathroom and tells her that he is very disappointed that she chose someone that is against him instead of someone that would protect him. Heather tells him it wouldn't matter who she picked. She tells us she is not playing their game. Andrew tells her she made a decision that is against both him and Sabrina, then leaves the bathroom while calling her a dumb b*tch. She retorts with a sarcastic comment about his 'big' words (lol).

We find Heather in the bedroom, crying (tears of hurt, not sobbing like some of the others would) and talking to Adel and Neda. She tells us that even though she thought it might be coming, it still hurts. Neda tells us that Andrew's constant remarks are outrageous and in the outside world, she would not be biting her tongue so hard.

.... and the link to the show is cut for the second time tonight...

And we're back. The house guests are on BB Airlines and dressed as flight attendants. Arlie talks about articles left on the plane. They will talk to BB on the plane's phone to get clues, find three X's and the player is out.. The one that works their way through the clues the fastest will win POV. Jon finds an X on his first clue, then finds the item, a wallet. BB gives him another clue for a baby bottle. Again, he finds an X. He tries again and finds the bottle. Gets his third clue for sunglasses. He finds the sunglasses and his final time is 9:03. Adel decides he will ignore the clues and throw it. Neda does the same. Sabrina's first find is an X, then she finds her item. Her second clue she finds and X and then the baby bottle. She returns for her third clue and can't understand it. Her third find is an X and she is out of the competition... of course she begins her sobbing and whining she doesn't want to go home. Andrew is up next. He receives his first clue and finds the item immediately. Second clue, he finds an X. He tries again and finds the item. Back to the phone for the third clue. He finds his second X and tries again. He has used a little over 2 minutes, reaches for the item and it's an X. He is eliminated. Allison says her heart stopped when he lost POV. Arlie awards Jon the POV.

Arlie talks with Jon in the storage room. He tells us from the DR that he has officially left the old First 5. He tells Jon he is his best buddy. Jon tells us his best move is to align with Arlie and together, run the house. Andrew tells Sabrina, Kenny and Sarah that he has resigned himself that he is going home and doesn't want them to feel bad. He is crying as he tells them not to take it as a loss, but make it a win. (All those tears from Sarah, Andrew and Sabrina - it's like he's dying or something, lol).

Jon tells us he won POV and can take either Sabrina or Andrew off the block or leave them the same. He is afraid if he uses the veto, the next person could be someone he is playing with and screw up his game. He decides NOT to use the POV. He says this is Canada's choice, they know the game and what is happening in the house. Sabrina tells us the First 5 is not over yet. Sarah says she feels it is dead and her alliance lies with Arlie and Kenny. Arlie tells us right now he is sitting between two big alliances and has always wanted to be in that position.

We hope you will join us again, Thursday, April 3 at 9/8c, when we will find out who will be evicted and who will be the new HOH on Big Brother Canada 2 only on Slice!

Big Brother Canada Replay For Episode 13

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