Chile fans are detained by security after breaking into the Maracanã before the match against Spain. Photograph: Tom Jenkins for the Guardian

There were just over 40 minutes to go until kick off when there was a loud crash and the thunder of feet. Then came the shouts and the quiet was broken in the media centre at the Maracanã. People wearing Chilean shirts sprinted through the vast room and towards the tunnel that leads to the stands and the pitch.

Screens came crashing down, bringing lockers and television screens with them, landing on media desks. The glass door at the entrance to the media centre had been broken and a handful of people had suffered very minor injuries as they were caught in the stampede.

There were shouts and confusion as security staff followed them through. It was not yet clear who had burst into the stadium or why, but it appeared to be supporters who had taken advantage to try to get in to see the game for free. Cameramen and journalists reacted to try to film or photograph what was happening and there was a scramble.

It appeared that the intruders had been caught in the passageway under the stand alongside the media room because another set of partition walls came crashing down, presumably as they struggled to escape. As they came down, the landed on top of furniture in the working area.

A group of 30 were being held by security while others ran away. At least one Chilean fan, a woman, was injured and taken outside in a wheelchair.

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