
TORONTO - Viewers of Discovery Channel's Eaten Alive quickly became critics Sunday night after the two-hour special failed to show a man being eaten alive by an anaconda.

Leading up to the airing, the show claimed filmmaker and adventurer Paul Rosolie would enter 'the belly of an anaconda in a custom-built, snake-proof suit.'

Well, it didn't happen.

For most of the show, Rosolie and his team searched for a giant anaconda. The actual swallowing attempt began with only about 30 minutes left in the program.

The anaconda did wrap itself around the filmmaker, constricting Rosolie's movements.

The snake did start to eat Rosolie's helmet but not before the adventurer had to 'tap out' and be rescued after feeling his arm begin to break.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly before the show aired, Rosolie was asked how far inside the snake he went.

'I am not allowed to say anything. This is the story of an attempt,' he replied. 'When [Discovery] said,'Nik Wallenda is going to cross the Chicago skyline,' they didn't promise he was going to make it. The show is called Eaten Alive, and that's what we worked as hard as we could to do.'

The only thing eaten alive Sunday night was the show itself, on social media.

© Shaw Media, 2014

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