Fresh on the heels of what appears to be a major attack on Sony Pictures by the North Korean government, the Japanese tech company was hit again Sunday night.

This time the company's PlayStation Network was taken down. Sunday night, PSN users were greeted with an error message.

'We are currently investigating the root cause for the issue,' Sony has stated.

In the Sony Pictures hack, over 100 terabytes of data was stolen. The PSN hack appears to be far less severe.

It does, however, come at the end of Sony's first ever PlayStation Experience, and during the company's 20th anniversary celebration for the PlayStation brand.

Hacker group Lizard Squad claimed responsibility for the network's outage, tweeting: 'PSN Login #offline #LizardSquad.'

The group has previously taken the blame for a variety of other hacks, including taking down servers for Destiny and Call of Duty, Xbox Live, game streaming site Twitch, and the PlayStation Network-making this latest hack sort of a copycat attack of sorts.

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