Best Samsung WB350F 16.2MP CMOS Smart WiFi & NFC Digital Camera with 21x Optical Zoom and 3.0" Touch Screen LCD and 1080p HD Video (White)

Samsung WB350F

This is My Opinion About This Product

After I buy this New Samsung WB350F 16.3MP CMOS Smart WiFi & NFC Digital Camera with 21x Optical Zoom, 3.0" Touch Screen LCD and 1080p HD Video (Brown) (Electronics)
ADDED Info: Because someone posted a question on this, I thought I would mention that this camera works fine with a 128GB Sandisk Ultra Micro SDXC card and reports space for 160,227 1MP images or 20.00 hours of 720p HD video.

UPDATE regarding screen glare: I have found some ideas regarding dealing with screen glare. There are some magnified LCD extender viewfinders out there that basically allow you to use a screen only camera as if it had a viewfinder. Most are specific to some Canon DSLR models. I have ordered an inexpensive one to try out and perhaps modify. If I have any luck I will report back here. A simple and free solution that works reasonably well is to grab one of those corrugated cardboard sleeves they have at coffee shops to keep you from burning your hand. It is easy to hold the big end up against the LCD and look through the smaller end. It is not perfect, but if you have on a cap or wide-brimmed hat you can actually see the screen quite well. I try to keep the top flat by extending my index finger to seal off light entering from above. With a couple of minutes fooling with it you can figure out how best to hold it for your purposes. An added benefit is that it folds flat so you can just carry it in your pocket and whip it out when you need it. Nothing bulky to attach. Something a little longer would work even better as long as it is dark colored and probably best not glossy inside. Maybe just make a tapered cardboard tube. Just some thoughts.

UPDATE: I have had a lot of experience with this camera in the last few weeks, including the last few days in Yellowstone. I am even more impressed with it than I was initially. There is not a whole lot to say except that it takes great photos and videos, including full HD video of Old Faithful erupting yesterday. I have also taken some very good images of distant wildlife at extreme zoom.

The direct wifi feature works very well. It is very handy for transferring photos directly from the camera to my phone if I need to. I usually still use a direct USB connection if available, but the wifi has come in handy.

I have come up with one con while using the camera at Yellowstone, but it is something common to all point and shoots. Trying to find and zoom in on a scene in bright sunlight is difficult to nearly impossible. I have a Canon SX50 which also has an electronic viewfinder. Having a viewfinder is very useful for difficult situations. I originally intended to bring both cameras, using the SX50 for the heavy work and the WB350F for pocketability. At the last minute I decided to take only the WB350F. It has been fantastic for 98-99% of what I needed, but when trying to find and zoom in on some distant wildlife in bright sunlight it has been a challenge. Please do not let this deter you from buying this camera. I have been able to use it for those shots, but the viewfinder would certainly have made it easier. Cameras with viewfinders are twice as expensive and usually much larger and heavier. You will not put one in your pocket.


This will be preliminary review since I just received the WB350F a couple of days ago. My main purpose here is to alert buyers that this camera uses micro SD. So if you need to buy media with the camera, don't buy full-size SD. I do not consider this an issue, but it might save someone the inconvenience of having to return a card and await replacement. The product description does not mention this so I assumed it used full size SD like the WB250F. This was not an issue for me because I had high capacity cards of both sizes anyway.

I have a very nice Canon SX50 that I love for trips or other situations where I know I will be taking a lot of pictures, like a planned trip to Yellowstone, and will need the mega-zoom. There are a lot of more casual situations like trips to the playground with grandkids, day trips, birthday parties, etc., where it is nice to have something you can slip in your pocket just in case. I still wanted something with a decent amount of zoom. To me, the WB350F is a great combination of small size, plenty of zoom, and a decent price. I have a tiny Fuji camera, but it always felt too small in my large hands.

The menu system is similar to most digital cameras. I was able to find all the settings I needed without using the manual. The hybrid system is pretty neat. You can navigate with the usual menu buttons or touch things on the screen. It is kind of handy. Once you get to a screens using the familiar buttons and get several selections on the screen, instead of moving to your choice with the buttons, you can just tap the one you want with your finger. At first I thought I would probably not use the touch screen, but I guess using smart phones and tablets all these years has me in the habit.

The WB350F seems to create very good images. I confess that I am not overly picky. A crisp, clear image with good color is fine. Don't get me wrong. I do want quality images, but I don't pull out instruments and magnifiers to critique every shot. I am just more interested in the memories.

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