A quick look on Twitter shows hundreds of results cropping up every second, for the term 'Kim Kardashian'. People are searching about her and talking about her at an unbelievable rate.

The sheer number of tweets suggests that the social media platform is on the verge of overload.

But how exactly are people reacting?

The full Paper magazine cover

The most common reaction seems to be 'wow'.

Writer Polly Vernon sums up a popular view when she says: 'I know we're officially very snotty about Kim Kardashian's bum and/or general cultural obsession with it, but bloody hell! It's magnificent!'

Disbelief is also up there. As is sheer confusion.

But obviously, because it's a woman taking her clothes off, there are also a number of rude/sexist/inappropriate comments about her body. Most of them cannot be re-printed here.

Among the tamer criticisms are people saying how 'ridiculous' and 'fake' she looks.

There is also a discussion around the fact that Kardashian has a young daughter, sparked by Glee actress Naya Rivera who left the following comment on Kardashian's Instagram photo: 'I normally don't. But... you're someone's mother...'

Now many are siding with Rivera, asking if Kardashian has forgotten she's a mum, as well as suggesting that 'it's not the sort of a behaviour a married one should display'.

A handful of people are fighting back - saying that whether Kardashian has a child shouldn't be relevant in her decision to pose for the cover, nor should her marital status. Most are being drowned out by angry parents.

But the less controversial point of discussion - the one that's got absolutely everyone expressing an opinion is: how on earth is her bum so shiny?

So far, people are debating whether it is baby oiled, glossed lacquered, or just Photoshopped. No one knows for sure.

So, it looks like if anything's going to break the internet, it's not the issues around Kim Kardashian's decision to pose with a naked derriere.

It's the question of why, and how, one woman's backside became so damn shiny.

Post By http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/11225291/Kim-Kardashians-bum-magazine-cover-has-it-really-broken-the-internet.html

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