A nostalgic glimpse of small-town life

They've all proved themselves when they go it alone. Simon Pegg holds his own against Tom Cruise in Hollywood franchise Mission: Impossible and against the rest of Tinseltown in the Star Trek movies, and Nick Frost has stood out with independent roles in Joe Cornish's brilliant Attack the Block and the forthcoming dance comedy Cuban Fury.

Edgar Wright, meanwhile, is the celebrated dude behind the lens of inventive screen gem Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

But when this high-profile British trio come together, something special happens.

Having previously merged to create the spectacular Shaun of the Dead and the hilarious Hot Fuzz, their trick is to blend outlandish situations borrowed from horror and science fiction with an irreverent script peppered with naturalism and everyday dialogue, down-to-earth characters and geeky movie references, to strike roundly-adored comedy gold.

With recurring motifs, actors and themes across their collaborative efforts, The World's End is the third in their trilogy of films, sometimes referred to as the 'Blood and Ice Cream' trilogy or the 'Cornetto' trilogy.

This nostalgic glimpse of small-town life gently mocks what it is to grow up in a provincial town, and live your life in one place.

When Gary King (Pegg) wants to get his old gang back together to complete The Golden Mile, an unfinished pub crawl he and his school friends embarked on during his glory days - the best days of his life - the fivesome get more than they bargain for.

The old pubs are still there, albeit taken over by chains, but there's something decidedly different about the familiar faces...

Although the film is a tad dry at the beginning, with Pegg deliberately irritating and his four-string gang of mates fulfilling middle-aged stereotypes, if you stick with it, it picks up soon enough.

As the group gradually gets more and more drunk, and the story develops, playing out its characteristic far-fetched plot, things get more funny - and more fun.

Not only do the lines get funnier but so do the performances from a strong cast that includes Eddie Marsan, Martin Freeman and Paddy Considine alongside cameos from cult comics and British acting greats.

The biggest flaw in this film is arguably Nick Frost's character.

Previously a major key to the success of the preceding movies with his thick but lovable persona, here his personality is turned on its head and he becomes a sharp and clever, no-nonsense businessman - though he still has one of the best lines of the film.

With film references and riffs galore and all the necessary hallmarks of a Wright/Pegg/Frost collaboration, The World's End is a fitting finale to the Krzysztof Kieslowski-saluting Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy.


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