The top of the search page shows Rorschach sitting in his office, while a pair of hands present an iconic inkblot test.

Users can then click on the image to reconfigure the ink and share what they see via social media.

Born in 1884 in Zurich, Switzerland, the young Rorschach had a love of klecksography - the art of turning inkblots into recognisable images.

His passion earned him the nickname of Klecks and would later shape his career as a psychiatrist.

While at school he wrote to German biologist Ernst Haeckel seeking advice in whether to choose a career in art or science.

Rorschach enrolled in medical school at the University of Zurich after Haeckel suggested science.

After graduation he studied under Eugen Bleuler, who had also taught renowned psychiatrist Carl Jung.

The excitement Rorschach found in his vocation reminded him of the joy he found in klecksography as a child.

This caused Rorschach to ponder why people's responses vary when deciphering inkblots paintings.

He started showing the images to children in order to analyse the differences between what they saw.

After years research, he wrote Psychodiagnostik - a book describing how inkblot tests can be effectively used in psychoanalysis.

Rorschach died aged 37 from peritonitis brought on by a ruptured appendix - less than a year after writing the seminal work.

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